Puppy Contract.

Puppy Purchase Agreement and Guarantee



(Buyer) and (Seller) have agreed to the purchase/sale of one Suntini’s Goldendoodle puppy under the terms in this agreement as described as follows: 




Description of puppy agreed to: Goldendoodle 


Gender of Puppy:


Date of Birth of Puppy:


Other Details of Buyers Puppy Purchase:

The puppy chosen is to be reserved for the said named buyer listed here in this puppy purchase agreement. This puppy pick will be personally made by the said named buyer or by his/her appointed representative. 




The purchase price of the puppy agreed upon:         

Part of the purchase price will be paid immediately with this agreement as a Holding Fee to guarantee that seller will hold the puppy for delivery to the buyer on the specified delivery date and delivery terms {given after their birth}. This Holding Fee is to secure your picking order which will be given to you at the time of this partial payment being received.

The balance due to be paid in cash or other method accepted by seller, after crediting the Holding Fee amount, will be paid to the seller at the time of delivery or pick up of the puppy to the buyer. 

With the exception; if we have multiple litters at once & for the purpose of delivering multiple litters together, final payment will be expected a week prior to delivery date. 

The Holding Fee is non refundable but can be transferred to a future litter, within two years of agreement date, only if said litter does not produce color/gender of buyers agreed upon choice. If an expected litter results in no puppies, your holding fee is transferred to the following litter & you retain your place in picking order. Failure of the buyer to complete this purchase would subject seller to lost opportunities to sell the puppy to some other buyer and retention of the holding fee is meant to compensate seller for his possible loss. This Holding Fee signifies the intent on the part of the buyer to follow through with the purchase of this puppy.  

Breeding rights are available & pre-screened for approval. There is an additional cost for breeding rights of $1000. Otherwise, you will not be able breed your dog. If we find that you have bred your dog without permission, we will take legal action. Owner of dog bred without permission will pay $5,000 for breeding, & $2,500 for each puppy in a given litter, that is unauthorized to Suntini’s Goldendoodles. If you attempt to deceive us of your intention to breed your dog, prior to delivery, our contract will be voided & your holding fee retained by Suntini’s Goldendoodles for breech of contract. This is how we do our part to keep the pet population down & ensure that only those that have experience with breeding Goldendoodles are breeding our puppies with the same care & concern we do. 


We ask all of our families to begin making choices on which pup they want at 3-6 weeks old (with our guidance of puppy personality and needs). Suntini’s Goldendoodles will send you a detailed explanation of how to & why we do this. If a puppy isn't chosen by 6 weeks old we will match you to a puppy. 


The delivery of the puppy is only that of physically handing over the puppy to the buyer. We do not ship our puppies & if you choose to pick your puppy up from us there is no discount to the purchase price. We do offer accompanied delivery to other states via a Flight Nanny & there are additional costs associated with this, including; cost of round trip flight, any airline fees for puppy travel & a $400 Flight Nanny fee. 

However transporting the puppy to the buyer can be arranged if negotiated between the buyer and seller, and details of this arrangement are addressed in the other agreements section of this purchase agreement. 

For TX families; delivery from Houston to other Texas areas is not a part of the total puppy price, it is simply done as a courtesy, when possible, & only to the distances discussed with you by seller, and may vary from litter to litter. Pending your location in Texas, there may be a delivery fee. 

When we travel to surrounding cities there are designated meeting/pickup locations for TX families. We meet all our families on the same day, at the same time, & at the same location. If you cannot make the arranged date/time of TX delivery, arrangements must be made with the seller weeks prior to. 

If buyer flies to us we are closest to Houston Intercontinental Airport {no additional fee} or we can meet you at The Houston Galleria/City Centre. We do offer individual deliveries for an additional fee. If it is early morning or late evening there may be additional costs if we have to stay the night to accommodate this. 

It is recommended that the puppy pick-up take place between week six to eight from date of birth, and not to be weaned from their mom any sooner than week five, within reason to puppy’s physical development and with the discretion of the puppy litter owner. Puppies weaned naturally by their mother typically occurs by week 5, and with regards to their health, physical development, & bonding to our Special Needs Families, it is completely accepted & recommended by medical professionals assisting our Special Needs Families that they can pick up their puppy at 6 weeks old or after.

Puppy departure from whelping home into the possession of the new owner is permissible yet relative to sequential order of individual new owner puppy picks from the same puppy litter.   

Health Guarantee

The seller guarantees your puppy to be free from infectious disease when it leaves our premises. Seller will provide buyer with a puppy that is clean, in good general health and that has no known illnesses. 

Initial 48-Hour Health Guarantee Information + Requirements

It’s the buyer’s responsibility to get the puppy seen by a licensed veterinarian within 2 calendar days of receiving the puppy. Suntini’s Goldendoodles will not be responsible for Parvo, Distemper or Coronavirus after the pup leaves our home. These are highly contagious diseases and they can be contracted immediately after leaving our home. Suntini’s Goldendoodles isn’t responsible for any illnesses or issues diagnosed after the initial 48 hours, except where stated in this health guarantee.

We require a copy of the initial exam to be sent to us. The paperwork must be on the veterinarian’s letterhead and must include your name, the name of the puppy, gender, color, and date the exam was done. Typically all of this information is included on the initial exam so just be sure to look your paperwork over before you leave the vet’s office. We are not responsible for allergies, immunity levels, mites, pneumonia, mange, heat stroke, ringworm, conjunctivitis, intestinal worms and parasites, fleas, ticks, ear infections, coccidiosis, parvovirus, yeast infections, or giardiasis.

Spay/Neuter Policy

It is our policy that none of our puppies are to be spayed/neutered (fixed) until 6 months of age for puppies estimated to be <45lbs at adult weight and 9 months for puppies anticipated to be >45lbs. at adult weight. It is detrimental to the growth and the long term health of a Goldendoodle to be fixed before they reach these milestones. Any altering of the dog’s reproductive system prior to stated ages above will result in an immediate void of the health guarantee. 

The buyer agrees to provide the seller with a copy of the Spay/Neuter Surgery documentation and receipt, which must include the veterinarian’s letterhead and contain the following information: the buyer's name, the name of the puppy, gender, color, and the date the surgery was performed. It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that all necessary information is included in the documentation before leaving the veterinarian’s office. This documentation must be submitted to the seller before the puppy reaches 7 months of age if estimated to be <45 lbs at adult weight, and before 10 months of age if estimated to be >45 lbs at adult weight.

In the event of failure to provide the required documentation as stipulated herein, the buyer will be considered in breach of contract. The seller reserves the right to take legal action to enforce the terms of the contract.

The seller is not responsible for any health issues related to change of home environment, climate, or travel to new home.

The seller does not guarantee temperament, however, our Goldendoodles, in this case the sire and dam of the puppy being purchased, have demonstrated excellent temperament and were in excellent health from time of conception to time of whelping of the puppy. 

Buyers Commitment To Care For Puppy


After delivery, it is the responsibility of the buyer to provide a healthy environment with proper socialization. It is the buyer’s responsibility to keep the puppy free from harm and bad interactions with other people, dogs and animals. Any negative exposure of the puppy to a bad experience with other dogs or people can cause lasting effects. Be gentle with your puppy and use positive reinforcement to train him/her. Do not hit your puppy on the head/face to discipline other than in the event of biting and not to do so to inflect injury. Do not discipline the puppy by means of rubbing his/her nose in urine or feces. Do not spray puppy with garden hose as a means of discipline or use water in any way as a disciplinary tool. Your puppy has a natural instinct to play in water and also be easily acceptable of water for bathing when water is dispensed in low pressure, low flow from a hose. 


The buyer agrees to keep the puppy healthy, maintain and stay current with all recommended puppy vaccinations, provide periodic veterinarian checks including an initial examination within the first week after delivery, keep the puppy at a healthy weight by feeding a quality dog food, and to ensure nonexistence of parasites or treatment (if necessary) with their veterinarian. Expenses of veterinary care, treatments, exams and tests are the financial responsibility of the buyer.  


Buyer agrees to protect the puppy from exposure to parvovirus and other infectious illnesses, both before and after vaccinations. New owners will not enroll the puppy in training classes until all immunizations are completed.


Buyers failure to follow through with the commitment to care for puppy will void sellers health guarantee.


Return & Rehoming Policy

We require our puppy families contact us about rehoming our Goldendoodles. Sometimes things happen in life and you need to rehome your dog. Suntini’s Goldendoodles requires the first contact to be us if this situation occurs. We want the first option to take the dog back to help ease your burden and to ensure our dogs are safe. We will always take our dogs back if you need to rehome your dog or help you find a new home for her/him. We don’t care how old the dog is or if we haven’t talked to you in a couple of years, we will always want the dog back. We will take the dog back and find a new home, or if there is a situation that fits with a new family, that you or we know of, we will help make those arrangements. We have to give written permission for the dog to be rehomed without first returning to us, as well as know the name & contact info for their new home. We do not want our dogs in shelters or in homes that aren’t a good fit for them so we will do everything we can to help. The original owner is responsible for covering the costs of sending the dog back to us, or to the agreed upon new home, unless agreed upon by both parties. We do not give refunds when a dog is returned to us under any circumstances.

Other Agreements:


Any delivery agreement that varies from sellers typical delivery/meeting spots with puppy families will be charged. If you can't take your puppy on an arranged delivery date & the pup stays with us until a later date, the cost of boarding is $150 for the first 3 days, if longer is needed, additional arrangements & charges apply. If a pet sitter is needed because we are delivering puppies or elsewhere, those fees are paid by the buyer. Flight cost, flight nanny fees & all associated fees with travel to you are at the expense of the buyer. 



This purchase agreement is conditional upon the seller receiving payment from the buyer in the amount of $500, intended as the holding fee as described here within this agreement. ______________________




Buyers Name, Address, Phone Number, Signature: to be provided in private email








 Sellers Name, Address, Phone Number, Signature: to be provided in private email




If we have agreed that you will read this contract & reply to us by email indicting you are in full agreement, your reply via email negating actual signature keeps this contract binding in its entirety. 


Thank you, 

Suntini’s Goldendoodles

Lifetime Breeder Support GUARANTEE

WE want to express our love & dedication to you, our puppy families & to your Suntini’s puppy by explaining our LIFETIME BREEDER SUPPORT GUARANTEE.

We provide breeder support to our puppy families for the lifetime of the dog. We will always be here for you and your Suntini’s Goldendoodles puppy!

We are committed to the dogs we breed and the people who love them.

We give a plethora of helpful information to our new puppy owners and we check-in on occasion to see how everyone is doing.

If you have questions or concerns and need advice or recommendations, you can always give us a call or email us.

We have a lifetime return policy on our doodles too. We do not want our dogs to end up in a shelter. If you have life changing circumstances that impact your ability to give the best care and time to your dog, we will take the dog back and/or help you rehome the dog. If you are no longer able to keep your Suntini’s Goldendoodles companion, ask that you return the puppy/dog to Suntini’s Goldendoodles per our contract.

Our puppy families have our phone number and email address so they can reach out anytime they need us. 

No question is ever stupid or to small or big to ask. If I don't know the answer, I will find it or direct you to someone that does.

Questions about nutrition are always warmly welcomed. 

There is also no such thing as too many questions, as we tell our families who start a conversation apologizing for the question about to be asked, "asking questions is a sign of care. Because you asked, I know how much you love your dog & I want to answer them all with that same love."

We are here for the long haul. This is our passion & we love the community, family & friendships we've created based around our mutual love of our Suntini’s Goldendoodles.